Thursday, October 16, 2008

Just Sam 08

I don’t get the whole “terrible 2” phenomenon. If anything it should be the terrible 22 months (hitting, yelling, toppling, it’s a tough age). I know every mother says every ages is the best (except for 15), but 2 has been a blast and I only have a few more months of it. He’s so spunky and chatty and full of his own self. He says things like, “How ‘bout you? Wanna play?” and “No Way, Mama” and "That's not nice". He breaks up time into "today" which is when all good things happen and "tomorrow" which is when he wants to brush his teeth. On his walks he picks for me a bouquet of leaves and he requests hugs and kisses. He pretends to be a tiger and roars and chases who ever will be chased. He threatens to “Eat You Up” like Max from Where the Wild Things Are. He and Dave make robots out of legos and they play “GaGa and Grampa come for a visit.” Our friend Mary says that Sam is a “happy go lucky kid”. He totally is.

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